Privacy Policy
Legal & Privacy Policy
Exclusively Equine ABN 22 910 448 909 is referred to as “the Company” in the following legal notice and privacy policy.
Exclusively Equine is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone who shops or interacts with us, and this policy sets out our commitment to you on privacy. We take this responsibility seriously and ensure that we comply with our obligations under the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 whenever your personal information is collected or used.
Exclusively Equine will always use fair and lawful means of collecting your information, and in almost all circumstances collect your information directly from you. We will handle your information securely and carefully, and only use your information if necessary to deliver you a service, or perform other necessary business functions and activities. We will not use your information for purposes unrelated to our services without first obtaining your consent.
The information we collect will depend on the service or interaction, but may include name, address, phone and other contact details, merchandise information, and method of payment. Depending on the circumstances, we may collect transaction information through our website host, Woocommerce, or our merchant settlement provider, ANZ. This will only be done where necessary to complete the service or interaction.
We collect this information for a number of reasons including to: deliver products or services to you, complete other transactions with you or on your behalf, improve our service, protect against fraud or theft, and provide offers that may be of interest or benefit to you.
The personal information we collect is in most cases supplied directly by you when you give us your details, place an order for goods or services, seek a refund, open an account with us, provide feedback to us, or shop in our online store.
Exclusively Equine will not sell your information to other parties. However, we often need to share your information with companies who perform parts of our service delivery. This includes other companies such as delivery companies or freight comanies.
Where we share your information, Exclusively Equine will ensure that these third parties undertake to protect your privacy. Where we store your information, Exclusively Equine will take all reasonable steps to store your information securely and to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of your information.
To access your information please email our customer service department at
If you do not wish to be contacted by Exclusively Equine (about special offers, discounts, other promotional events or to participate in any surveys) please email our customer service department at
When you visit the website, our site will automatically send you a "cookie". A cookie is a small piece of text sent from a web server to your computer, and is used to identify you only by a random number. This information does not personally identify you, but it does tell us that your computer has visited our site, what areas of the website have been browsed and may allow auto-login when you next visit our site.
Exclusively Equine may update its privacy policy from time to time in line with customer expectations and legislative changes, and an updated policy will be posted on the website. More information about privacy law is available from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner at
Please refer to our Security Policy page on this website for more information on the Exclusively Equine security policy.
The Company has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information on this web site is accurate at the time of publication, but the Company provides no guarantees, warranties or undertakings that the information contained on this web site is accurate, complete or up-to-date. There may be errors on this web site for which the Company apologises and disclaims all liability.
Intellectual Property
Copyright in the information and material on this web site is vested in the Company under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the laws of other countries and international treaties. The Company reserves all intellectual property and other rights in relation to the information and material on this web site.
This web site displays a number of logos, trademarks and other intellectual property. The Company name and logo are trademarks of the Company. Access to this web site does not constitute a licence to use or copy any logos, trademarks or other intellectual property owned by the Company, any related entity of the Company or any third party.
No logo, trade mark or other intellectual property of the Company or any related entity of the Company may be used as a hyperlink or in any other way without the Company’s express and prior written permission.
Advertising and links to other web sites
This web site contains advertisement and links to third party web sites. These advertisements and linked web sites are not under the control of the Company and the Company is not responsible for the contents of any advertisement or linked web site or any hyperlink contained in a linked web site. The Company provides links as convenience only and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of the linked web site by the Company, any related entity of the Company or any member of the Company’s personnel. Your visit to any linked web site is entirely at your own risk.
This website is not guaranteed to be free from viruses or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer systems. Your use of this web site is at your own risk.